For the TR band removal process, can be started one hour after the cath if no intervention since it means the patient did not receive heparin. If the patient did have intervention (stenting) then presumably the patient did receive lots of heparin, so start the removal process 2 hours after the procedure. Please note: if the patient was anticoagulated prior to the procedure (e.g. on warfarin chronically with current INR > 2), then start the removal process two hours after the procedure.

  1. Remove 2 mL of air
  2. Wait 10 minutes
  3. Check for red, pulsatile, bleeding
    1. If there is no red, pulsatile bleeding:
      1. Repeat the process (remove 2 mL air, wait 10 minutes, and repeat).
    2. If there is red, pulsatile bleeding:
      1. Add back 1-2 mL of air so there is no further bleeding
      2. Then wait 30 min
      3. Remove 1 mL of air
      4. Wait 10 minutes
      5. If there is no red, pulsatile bleeding, repeat the process (remove 1 mL air, wait 10 minutes, and repeat).